Who should I see?

Information on what to do if you are ill

Emergency Doctor in the Practice


We have one Doctor daily who deals with emergencies.

Emergencies should be health concerns and issues that cannot wait until our next available appointment.

If you are experiencing conditions that may be deemed as life threatening then you should dial 999.

The Emergency Doctor will prioritise their day based on the description of the symptoms that you have provided to our Reception Team.
The Emergency Doctor will call you to gain further insight and decide on the next steps to be taken. We cannot provide a time of the day that you will be called. You MUST be available for this call.

The Emergency Doctor then may need to further assess you and they will invite you down to the practice. This may be at any time during the working day. Again you MUST accept the time that is offered unless there are extenuating circumstances.

Right Care Right Place


With our growing population we need your help to provide as effective care as possible for our 10,900 patients.

If you have a minor ailment then please visit a local pharmacy. They can assist and provide medication for free under the ‘Pharmacy First’ scheme in some instances.

If you’re feeling anxious, stressed or low - find out how you can improve your mental wellbeing at NHS Inform Mind-to-Mind. For urgent help and advice about your mental health and wellbeing: Call NHS 24 on 111, 24/7, 365 days a year. Breathing Space: 0800 83 85 87 - Mon – Thur 6pm to 2am; Fri 6pm – Mon 6am. For more information on mental health and wellbeing information in Edinburgh please visit the iThrive website iThrive Edinburgh.

If you have a dental concern then please contact your Dental Surgery. If you are not registered with a dentist then then please ring 0131 537 8801.

If you have an issue with your eyes, then please try to contact a local Optician first. Again they have specialist equipment to examine you. 

If you have an injury like a sprain, wound, burn, bump or bite then please contact Minor Injuries on 111.  They are open between 08:00 - 20:30 every day but you must call first to book an appointment. They have the appropriate equipment to examine you and provide assistance.

By contacting these other services first and foremost, you will receive the right care in the right place and help us to manage the workload of health concerns that should be addressed by the clinicians in our practice.

NHS Inform Right Care Right Place

Right Care Right Place information poster

'NHS 24 Online’ – a new way to access health advice and wellbeing services in Scotland.

Feeling unwell? If you or someone you care for is under the weather you can now find out more about your symptoms, when you can self-care and what to do if your condition worsens and you need medical help via a new, easy to use mobile app from NHS 24.

The ‘NHS 24 Online’ app allows people to check symptoms to find out what to do next. There is also a chatbot function to answer questions and find out how to get further advice for a range of issues including running out of medicine or help for:

  • Eye problems
  • Flu-like illness
  • Lower back pain
  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs)

The App can also help people find their nearest health and care services using postcodes or location data. It will detail how far away each service is, if it is open or closed, and the contact details for that service. ‘NHS 24 Online’ is available for both Android and iOS devices and free to download now.

Dr Laura Ryan, NHS 24’s Medical Director said the app offers people more choice in the way can get the help and advice they need: “Mobile devices have changed the way we do lots of things on a day-to-day basis and we hope the new NHS 24 Online app will make it easier for people to check their symptoms, and if they need further help to find local services at the press of a button. By downloading NHS 24 Online, people in Scotland will be able to get health advice from a trustworthy source in a fast and convenient way. And if more help is needed, the app will also provide information on where to access the right care in the right place.”

The NHS 24 Online app is available to download for free on the Google Play Store for Android devices and the App Store for Apple devices.



Green pharmacy sign

NHS Pharmacy First Scotland


NHS Pharmacy First Scotland is an NHS service provided by your local community pharmacy. 

If you have a minor illness, a pharmacy is the first place you should go for advice.

You do not usually need an appointment and you can go to any pharmacy.

Your local pharmacist or a trained member of the pharmacy team will give you advice and provide medicine if needed. They may need to refer you to another healthcare professional such as your GP practice, dentist, optometrist or another NHS service if they feel your condition needs further investigation or more specialist care.

Pharmacy First Scotland



If you are a UK resident, you can get a free NHS eye examination in Scotland.

This is not just to test your sight – it’s a thorough examination, using specialist equipment to:

  • check the health of your eyes
  • find any eye problems before they become more serious
  • look for signs of other health problems.

Photo of an eye
Patient sitting in dentist chair



If you have a dental problem, you should call the dental practice that you normally attend in the first instance to discuss any treatment needs. 

Outside normal working hours, if you feel you have an urgent dental need, please contact NHS24 on 111.

Receiving NHS Dental Treatment in Scotland

Minor Injuries - Lothian


If you have an injury that needs urgent or immediate attention, you should call 111 to make an appointment with an expert in one of NHS Lothian’s Minor Injury Units.

The MIU team can help adults and children over 12 months who have a recent minor injury less than 7 days old, including:

  • strains, sprains and suspected broken bones of arms and legs
  • wounds and minor burns
  • minor bumps to head and face
  • simple eye injuries
  • insect bites (ticks etc) and stings

Our minor injury units are open seven days a week every day of the year at the sites listed below. Please note that if you arrive without arranging an appointment via 111 you may be asked to come back later.

Some minor injuries can be treated with help from a local pharmacist or via video consultation with a qualified Nurse Practitioner.

If you require further assessment or treatment you will be given a face-to-face appointment to attend a minor injury unit which could the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, the Western General Hospital or St John’s Hospital if you are aged 16 and over.

Children aged 15 and under will be asked to attend the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People or can also be scheduled an appointment at St John’s Hospital or the Western General Hospital.

Hand with a plaster on it

Sexual Health Emergencies

If clinics are closed and the problem cannot wait until the next Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) clinicopens a new window opens (for example if you think you have been exposed to HIV in the last few hours, you have been sexually assaulted):

Contact NHS 24 Tel: 111 or the nearest accident and emergency department.

Granton Information Centre logo

Granton Information Centre - Welfare Rights Worker appointments

The Practice has support from Welfare Rights Workers at Granton Information Centre.

They deal with issues such as:

Help with completing benefits forms

Providing advice on benefits available to you

Debt management and crisis

You can contact them via email  appointments@GIC.org.uk

or telephone  0131 551 2459 or 0131 552 0458

If you need urgent or further advice you can also contact:

Citizens Advice Bureau    https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/scotland/


The Advice Shop    https://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/adviceshop


Support for People From Ukraine

Please visit the NHS Lothian Support for People from Ukraine if you or your friends and family need health care or advice.











Ukraine flag coloured right care right place
CYANS logo colourful tree

CYANS (Children and Young People's Allergy Network Scotland)

CYANS poster and QR code